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Course 3- SQL Injection

SQL Injection Walkthrough

SQL is used to manage and query databases. These databases are made up of data tables. When queried, SQL will return data to the user. The SQL query for this activity is formatted as such:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’ AND premium = 0;

This example of a SQL query would return all columns from the all_movies table where the genre is Sci-Fi and the value “premium” is equal to 0.

For this example that you see (in the terminal), let’s say that this is a query for users to search for movies on a streaming website via their name. As long as you do not have a premium account, you cannot access certain films for premium users. Let’s also assume that the value "premium" is either true or false for every movie, with false being represented by a 0 and true being represented by a 1.

When you use a search query, developers always hide the SQL behind it. Because of this, you cannot return data from whatever database or column you want. Whatever you input usually becomes the input for the WHERE keyword, which will look for results that fulfill a certain condition that you typed in. For example, if you wanted to look for a movie with the name, "Star Wars..." While you only type the name of the movie, the full SQL query would be:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’;

Our goal with this SQL injection is to try and return hidden results. In this case, returning all movies with a premium value of 1. In other words, premium movies. We need our SQL input to force the query to filter the data this way. The obvious solution would be to just input "premium = 1" right? We also still want to find Star Wars movies. Type in “Star Wars AND premium = 1”.

Note: Strings should be put in ‘single quotes.’

This did not necessarily work. Why? SQL queries are likely to put user input in quotation marks. In the previous examples, SQL makes input a string by default. So, the “Star Wars AND premium = 1” command became a string too. To bypass this, we need to first close the quotation marks around the input. Try typing in “Star Wars’ AND premium = 1’”. Close the quotation marks at the beginning and end of the input. This time, nothing is returned. When you typed in that last statement, the full SQL query became:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’ AND premium = 1’’ AND premium = 0;

First of all, there is a random set of quotes after “premium = 1,” this does not make sense. Even though we closed the end quotation marks, they were left in a place that doesn’t align with SQL’s syntax rules. Furthermore, premium cannot be true and false at the same time. We cannot get rid of the premium = 0 statement because it is already there by default. We need some way to get rid of it.

Thankfully, SQL like many other languages, has the ability for users to add comments. In SQL this is notated as two hyphens: -- . We can use this comment feature to comment out the rest of the query that we don’t want. Now, try typing in “Star Wars’ AND premium = 1 --”. We don’t need to worry about closing the end quotation marks because they will be commented out.

FINALLY! This works. The SQL query became:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’ AND premium = 1--’ AND premium = 0;

Due to the comment, the query was interpreted like this:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’ AND premium = 1--’ AND premium = 0;

With this query, you have successfully returned all Star Wars movies that were for premium users. Imagine how powerful this tactic could be to attackers in the real world. SQL injections, or code injections in other languages can be used to return more sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, etc,.

Additional Reading (Optional):

A much more common example of a SQL injection is to inject the statement, “1=1”. This is often used because 1=1 will always be true. If we apply this to our previous example, we could input something like, “Star Wars’ OR 1=1--”. The full query would be:

SELECT * FROM all_movies WHERE name = ‘Star Wars’ OR 1=1--’ AND premium = 0;

This would return ALL Star Wars movies regardless of premium value. Additionally, we wouldn’t be able to just comment out everything after “Star Wars” because that would get rid of the quotation surrounding the movie name, which we want to keep. The additional condition that doesn’t rely on strings is needed so we can input a comment without worrying about quotation marks. The 1=1 statement is simply a statement that can be applied to many situations hence why it is commonly used.